City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes September 6, 2011
Members Present: Cindy Donaldson, Nancy Sieller, Greg Mele,
Jim Thibault, Bill Battle, TJ Zappulla JoAnn Ryan
Members Absent: Dawn Manzini, George Noujaim
Others Present: Bill Baxter, ED Torrington Development Corp
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:00pm
Commissioner Mele made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. Motion carried
2. Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Zapulla made the motion to approve the May 3, 2011 minutes and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion.
- 2012 Initiatives: Commissioners Ryan and Donaldson updated the commission on the Uconn/City/TDC study which should be completed by the end of October 2011. Results should give direction on how to market Torrington for business and tourism
4. TDC UPDATE: Bill Baxter updated the commission on the TDC and confirmed that he would be coordinating with Commissioner Donaldson on collaboration between ACT, TDC and other key commissions and the private sector. Vision is to get input from all sectors on how to economically grow not only downtown but the entire city. Commissioner Seiler made note that Park & Rec should be included in the collaboration.
5. Restaurateurs Day:
Consideration for a Restaurateurs day such as developer’s day be coordinated to help bring in some artisan restaurants to downtown and throughout key parts of the city perhaps occupying empty store fronts or converting some brownfield properties
6. Education Initiative
Commissioner Battle updated the group on his efforts to market our workforce development to potential companies coming into Torrington. He has held meetings with Dr. Menard of UConn and is setting up time to spend with the interim Superintendent for Torrington.
- New Business: Commissioner Ryan reminded everyone that Litchfield County is the 2nd most heavily traveled county for Tourism and that we should look at Torrington as a Regional Hub and embrace our surrounding towns to promote tourism.
Commissioner Sieller made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Battle seconded the motion. Motion carried